Thursday, July 30, 2009


Polvo is a band I have only recently discovered, being brought to my attention by the very knowledgeable and talented Marcello. Think angular, open tuned guitar 90's rock in the vein of sonic youth, without all that "were so goddamn hip and cool, fuck yes look at us" shtick that is becoming quite tiresome. Yeah I said it. At least Polvo was smart enough to call it quits after the first couple albums.

POLVO - Exploded Drawings

P.S. saw the mighty JESUS LIZARD last week. Man oh man, they know how to put the shame on every band I've ever seen. Lightning Bolt twice was ALMOST as great. Yow is a crazy drunken fuck. Here's some vids from the Capitol Hill block party.Big thanks to Seattle's The Stranger for making me stand through 8 hours of faux-folk jangly jackoffs and doofusy beer and irony soaked frat rock. And the chick from the distillers, WTF? Every other band on the lineup can go fuck right off. Especially Black Lips.

How hard is it for people my age to "bring it"? 98 percent of the bands I like have members all over 30. The only exception I can think of off the top of my head is Xirin Arms.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Goddamn what an amazing live band. Sorry to see Joe's not with them anymore. It's always a pleasure to share these guys, and the twisted remarks I get ("i like it, cept , you know, the RAAAAH" "too slow!" "too weird!" etc.) oh well. most peoples is dumb. Sorry it was late, sorry i'm lazy, shut up and enjoy their second to last show with Joe.

Thanks to Ryan for letting me rip the awesome audio from his awesome video.


Live at berbati's

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Captured by Robots!

Captured by Robots may be the weirdest shit that I own. The guy built his own band, modded and melded instruments, and put on a pretty good show from what I hear. Here's his (their?) workout album, Get Fit With.

A quick note on the Harvey Milk: It's coming, I just haven't done it yet what with the 14 hr workdays and all. And I am also lazy.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Black Dice - Printed Paper

Black dice before they went all weedily bloop bloop chakakakakaka flop. It comes on hard and fast, LOVE IT!

Black Dice

Dudes, get this shit. I've got some exclusive Harvey Milk live audio comin' up, courtesy of my main man Ryan.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I have some friends. They have a band that goes by No Talent. They're fucking good. This is a really old vid, circa 1993. We were in 11th grade. shortly after this, No Talent opened for the Melvins a few times in Seattle and put out their first record "Violets". Since then they have released "Methods Of Cutting Off". No Talent is in the process of reforming as I type. They have a show scheduled in September, with more to come.


Harvey Milk

My first and only ( so far ) viewing of Harvey Milk. This was recorded in Portland at Berbatti's Pan last year. It was the final show of their US tour. I got to talk to Joe and Stephan for a bit before the show. Cool dudes, but they were very tired. Nonetheless, this was great show. Here now, you shall enjoy the opening song "Crush Them All".